Epic, alright!
Wow! I really dug this track. I'm newly familiar with a lot of electronic genres (thanks, Ishkur!), but as far as I can tell there is not a lot of precedence for your style here, which is a good thing! Congrats on making a near seven-minute piece that never feels dull or repetitive, that's quite an accomplishment on its own.
So, the main kicks were great with that crashing metal kind of sound and I'm a big fan of sliding synth sounds myself, and these had a nice sharp, piercing tone which is exactly what they're for. I also like some of the more old-school sounding drum hits you used (hi-hat and snare esp.). From the interlude four minutes in until the ending this is really intense, with the building tempo and reprise fading out, great job on this part.
As far as criticisms, I really found myself wanting to hear some crash cymbals during the climax to add to the, uh, climax-ity. Trying some treated gunshot sounds during this section could have a lot of potential as well. Also, I thought the more melodic sounds overwhelmed the drums at times. I think people's ears automatically search for melody (even sometimes hearing ones that aren't there), so the melody, even a very intricate one such as this, will still come through with slightly louder drums to provide a bit more punch. And this isn't really a criticism at all, but the piano melody didn't really sound "old-time" to me at all, in fact the melody sounded almost East Asian. Again, more just an observation. It was one of my favorite elements of the song.
So all in all, great work! I'm looking forward to your next piece.